The study reveals that persistent ibuprofen use may lead to compensated hypogonadism, which can lead to infertility, erectile dysfunction, depression and loss of bone and muscle mass in males, among other symptoms. New research shows that the use of common over-the-counter analgesics may contribute to male infertility, a problem that approximately 7 percent of men in the United States face. A study published earlier this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences revealed that persistent ibuprofen use may lead to compensated hypogonadism, which can lead to infertility, erectile dysfunction, depression and loss of bone and muscle mass in males, among other symptoms. Time reported that, of the 31 male volunteers in the study, 14 took two 600 milligram doses of ibuprofen daily for six weeks — an amount many athletes take to ease aches and pains — while others were given placebos. Read also: Reasons other than infertility that stop you getting pregnant ...
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